Sunday 17 February 2013

Quilled Butterfly: Husking technique

i was planning to make a tutorial about husking and what i've learned from other quilling blogs in adding a little twist to it (and here comes the...) BUT i didn't have an assistant who can take photos of how i did it (and here's another ....) BUT i'm posting some of the photos anyway...

:: used two colors for my paper strips
:: push pins can be used for husking if you don't have a quilling comb

:: first butterfly wing

:: finished product :)

you may also check the ff articles/blog for additional information about the husking technique:
    happy quilling everyone ! God bless !

Special Project_Valentines Day Card 02.14.2013

Breaking news : Sold out V-day cards...
 and that's because i only made 5 of them. lol

since i got so addicted to tri-shutter cards, i didn't even have second thoughts in granting a friend's request to make a Valentines day card for his wife. i told him he can pay me the cost of the materials but he gave me Php50 instead.

and because it's my first time to receive a monetary reward out of the projects i'm making, i am posting zo's valentine's day card for his wife, jen...