Friday 14 December 2012

ate g and kuya bobit's B A L A I

B A L A I --- This is the name of kuya bobit and ate grace's restaurant in ormoc. when i heard about this, i came up with the idea of making a framed project for them this Christmas.

i started making lots of quilled leaves, flowers, butterflies, tight and loose coils. i thought it's going to be easy since i only have to put everything inside the frame. lol !

i have to find a tutorial in some of the blogs so i would know how to put the letters in place. t'was one of the most challenging part. whew!

b e f o r e ...

a f t e r ...

Thursday 13 December 2012

bookmark this page!

colored popsicle sticks + quilled flowers and butterflies = cute bookmarks
now all you need is a book! 

Merry Christmas, teammates!

:: quilled butterflies
:: quilled bookmarks
:: pick one =)

Tuesday 27 November 2012

excited for next year (tent calendar 2013)

having a busy schedule for my tuesday shift so i didn't have the chance to post anything and all i did was plan for my next project. :)

i did a few research online until i've read about tent cards. this is how i got the idea of making a tent calendar for 2013 and incorporate quilling to make it look cute.

here are the materials:
** card stock
** printed 2013 calendar
** different colored papers
** glue
** quilled flowers, leaves
** stickers
** double-sided tape
** wires from an old notebook

and, here's the finished product

:: added a butterfly sticker since the left side looks bare

:: used the spring/wires from an old notebook to tie the colored papers together

:: got this card stock for only Php15 at Expressions (Robinsons mall)

i'll be giving this to one of my officemates this Christmas :)
happy quilling everyone and God bless! 

Sunday 25 November 2012

scrapbooking technique (weaving)

i mentioned that my boss asked me to make birthday frames for my teammates as gifts. how can i complain when i'm asked to do something that i really love doing?! =)

when i was in bacolod, i bought a book from BookSale entitled Creative Paper Techniques for Scrapbooks for less than a Php100 (** wink - you might want to try visiting this store now and you'll be surprised on what you can get for as low as Php20) 

i wanted to apply scrapbooking techniques to make one birthday frame different from the other. the book helped me find the answer. i've read about paper weaving and used this to some of my projects...

:: photo from the book showing how paper weaving is done
:: Emz's birthday. I used paper weaving for the whole background

:: mel's birthday. i used zigzag lines for the edges where i can attach the paper strips  and achieve a unique look

:: angel's birthday. i used the same technique with mel's frame but applied weaving for the whole background.

:: chari's birthday. combining 2 paper strips and 1 printed paper for weaving
paper weaving requires a lot of patience as you would have to cut different colored papers, put them together to achieve a really nice and cute background for your projects. it's time-consuming but the finished products could really make you smile and proud of yourself =))

happy scrapbooking everyone and God bless!

friendship bracelets (candy cane pattern)

"share something to PSH patients this Christmas"
this was our plan... i started to watch videos on how to make friendship bracelets in youtube and my goal was to finish at least 4 per week so silai can give this to her patients for the Holidays. i ended up making a few for my officemates, tiber, his nephews, and niece. lol

  i only have 3 of them left. silai can still give them to lucky boys and girls on Christmas day. i promise to make more for 2013. =)

beautterflies for yraj ...

due to insistent niece demand, i made her lots of quilled butterflies...

:: experimented on different colored-paper strips

:: tight roll for the center and marquise for the wings

:: used husking for the right wing and marquise on the left

i know this won't take your mind off Barbie (which is at Php1,699) this Christmas but i hope you still love auntie-yaya's work. i love you yraring!

"you'll make flowers for me too, yaya?"

my new quilling board ...

"to quill or not to quill ... of course TO QUILL" lol.

November 10, 2012 ...

It's restday!!! 
My mind is busy multi-tasking. I was planning for a surprise video in a friend's baby shower and thinking about new quilling projects. I went to SM with Jen and she helped me with my little adventure of finding quilling tools for me to use this weekend.

paper shredder - (x)

quilling comb - (x)
and the list goes on with the same result >>> (x) until i found this:

:: my new quilling board

:: it helps you make uniform sized-scrolls
:: closer look on paper scrolls that i'll be using for flower petals

i asked for approval before i could buy this tool =p why? it costs almost a thousand. i can understand why you would give me the IT'S-JUST-A-CORK-BOARD look but i also tried to check for the price online and it's good to know that i got this for a more or less the same price.

so, let's just be happy and be better at quilling. =D

happy RD and enjoy quilling everyone! God bless!

Tuesday 20 November 2012

happy birthday shyle marie mae michelle ann trixie joy !

"shyle marie mae michelle ann trixie joy"
i just made this up (grin) =)

her real name is shyle and she's a friend of my boyfriend's younger sister, scylla. 
i know she wanted to give her something special and since i work in the night shift, i volunteered to make a birthday gift for her before going to sleep.

it was my first time to combine scrapbooking and quilling on this project so i was really excited! 
i used quilled leaves, vines and flowers for the borders and added stickers near the photos...

shyle, scylla and the rest of the DR's <<< this is how they called their  circle of friends

not bad for my first quilled birthday frame, huh? 
i hope you like it! happy quilling and God bless!

Monday 19 November 2012

Merry Christmas teammates!

Because i wanted to be a Santa teammate this Christmas, i'm making my own gifts...

i bought jewelry cases and add my personal quilling touch to make them look cute :)

B E F O R E  . . .
:: got this for only Php8 per piece
A F T E R . . .
:: first set

:: second set

I'm sponsoring the jewelry cases, just take care of the contents... lol
Merry Christmas GIFT to you too, teammates!

falling in love with quilling...

i know life can be monotonous when you are in a call center industry so employees like me would think of some ways to make the most of our rest days enjoyable.

some would prefer to travel...
some would go clubbing...
but i'd prefer staying at home, watch movies and if i'm up to it, i'd make scrapbooking projects :)

it was when i realized that i have been spending too much money on embellishments that i decide to think of other ways on how to look my projects look more beautiful... i decided to buy punchers, paper stickers, tracing materials and finally my own quilling kit:

September 30, 2012 :: I got this from Country Crafts for Php169. It has a slotted quilling tool, quilling papers, photos of simple quilling projects,  gift tags,and toothpicks

From "Quilling or paper filigree is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper is wound around a quill to create a basic coil shape. The paper is then glued at the tip and these shaped coils are arranged to form flowers, leaves, and various ornamental patterns similar to ironwork."

:: first scrolls practice, practice and more practice !
:: quilled flowers
:: vine for page borders

now who say's spending rest days at home aren't fun? think again...

happy quilling everyone!