Sunday 25 November 2012

scrapbooking technique (weaving)

i mentioned that my boss asked me to make birthday frames for my teammates as gifts. how can i complain when i'm asked to do something that i really love doing?! =)

when i was in bacolod, i bought a book from BookSale entitled Creative Paper Techniques for Scrapbooks for less than a Php100 (** wink - you might want to try visiting this store now and you'll be surprised on what you can get for as low as Php20) 

i wanted to apply scrapbooking techniques to make one birthday frame different from the other. the book helped me find the answer. i've read about paper weaving and used this to some of my projects...

:: photo from the book showing how paper weaving is done
:: Emz's birthday. I used paper weaving for the whole background

:: mel's birthday. i used zigzag lines for the edges where i can attach the paper strips  and achieve a unique look

:: angel's birthday. i used the same technique with mel's frame but applied weaving for the whole background.

:: chari's birthday. combining 2 paper strips and 1 printed paper for weaving
paper weaving requires a lot of patience as you would have to cut different colored papers, put them together to achieve a really nice and cute background for your projects. it's time-consuming but the finished products could really make you smile and proud of yourself =))

happy scrapbooking everyone and God bless!

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