Sunday 25 November 2012

my new quilling board ...

"to quill or not to quill ... of course TO QUILL" lol.

November 10, 2012 ...

It's restday!!! 
My mind is busy multi-tasking. I was planning for a surprise video in a friend's baby shower and thinking about new quilling projects. I went to SM with Jen and she helped me with my little adventure of finding quilling tools for me to use this weekend.

paper shredder - (x)

quilling comb - (x)
and the list goes on with the same result >>> (x) until i found this:

:: my new quilling board

:: it helps you make uniform sized-scrolls
:: closer look on paper scrolls that i'll be using for flower petals

i asked for approval before i could buy this tool =p why? it costs almost a thousand. i can understand why you would give me the IT'S-JUST-A-CORK-BOARD look but i also tried to check for the price online and it's good to know that i got this for a more or less the same price.

so, let's just be happy and be better at quilling. =D

happy RD and enjoy quilling everyone! God bless!

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